I've had several people tell me that working out at home just "isn't their thing".
They can't seem to get motivated, they don't feel like they're doing enough, or they don't know where to start. After experiencing the joy of working out in a full-fledged fitness facility, working out at home may seem like it won't compare. Trust me, I understand. But in a situation like this, something is always better than nothing.
Follow these simple tips to get yourself moving and find some joy in working out at home!
Workout Outside: If you're fortunate enough to live somewhere where the weather is nice, take a walk or a run. If you have a bike, go for a ride. Maybe even stop every 5 min or so to do some jump squats, burpees, or push ups for an extra burn. Taking your workout outside can be a great way to increase the intensity when you don't have your favorite treadmill or heavy weights.
Take the Stairs: If you live in an apartment or a building, take the stairs instead of the elevator or even run up and down the stairs in intervals before your home workout. It's a great form of cardio that'll have you sweating like a stair master would in no time!
Jump Online: Luckily there are plenty of resources online nowadays to help you create workouts at home. For starters, I'm currently offering a free home workout here, and I also offer monthly home workouts through my Sweat with Sierra app for just $32.99 a month.
Plan Your Workouts: Make sure you have a plan for when and how you're gonna get your daily sweat-sesh in. Without a plan, you may leave your workout feeling unfulfilled or you might not workout at all. With a plan in place, you'll be sure to get enough exercise and finish feeling satisfied with your efforts.
Phone a Friend: Literally! Have a friend Fa
ceTime you and you can workout together virtually. That way you'll be motivated and you won't have to do it alone. Some studio gyms are even offering group fitness Zoom calls that you can join in on. Find out which gyms in your area are doing this or hosting live workouts through instagram.
I know it may feel overwhelming right now, we're all dealing with a lot of emotions, but take a deep breath and know that you can take it one day a time while hopefully exploring some new exercise modalities and challenging your body in new, exciting ways. Plus, think of how much these skills will come in handy during a storm or other event that keeps you stuck inside.
If you need help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear from you and help you on this home workout journey!